Centurion manufactures a complete line of laboratory casework in steel using a chemical resistant powder-coat and stainless steel.
Our cabinets are built using the latest manufacturing techniques. These techniques make it possible for the cabinets to be reconfigured in the field for multiple uses. This gives the user better flexibility within the laboratory.
The cabinetry comes with a removable bottom to help keep the laboratory clean if there is a spill within the cabinet. The drawers have full extension slides for total access within the drawers. There is also a removable back for easier access to the utilities behind the cabinet.
Centurion has a large selection of storage options from standard bases to chemical storage cabinets. We also customize the storage if needed from pull out shelving to high density storage options. In addition, we have a complete line of utility and balance tables. We offer a total of 14 color choices for the finish.
We also have plastic laminate and wood casework available.
Call us for more information.